
Showing posts from August, 2019

Ghost writer.

Do you know what a ghost writer is? I had once learned about it in school I'm sure but long forgotten the term until I watched a documentary recently. It’s someone who writes a story that will be published under another person’s name.  For example, Johnny is a famous author but has writer's block. Johnny's publisher knows June can write very well and loves Johnny's style of writing. Johnny's publisher then hires June to write a book that will be published under Johnny's name - with June never receiving any credit for the work. It's an interesting concept and in my opinion, very applicable to every day life actually. How much of what you say and think every day is determined or influenced by the world around you? Do you check Facebook and see that someone posted a beautiful lunch and feel you need to go out to dinner to do the same thing? Do you see a tweet about a book then go read that book because someone famous did? Who's writing your stor