
Showing posts from November, 2018

What goes up, must come down.

Gravity. Science and John Mayer are the first two things I think about when I hear that word. Sometimes feelings are like gravity. One day everything's good, the next everything is awful. I'm trying to find the balance in these feelings.

Time heals all wounds...

Time heals all wounds. Is that true? Do we really just get over things? I don't think so. I'm a woman who loves to eat, always have. One day on a family road trip, my two brothers and I sat in the old suburban passing around a bag of chips and playing a game where we'd guess what make/model of car was approaching (whoever was right from the farthest distance won). The crumbs were all that was left in the bag of chips other than like 3-5 whole chips, as I recall. So I ate the rest. Meanwhile, my brother complained to my mom who said something along the lines of "if you eat all those chips you're going to be fat and happy"...and my brothers proceeded to then call me "fat and happy Rachel" a few more times. That was probably 15 years ago. I'm still hurt by it. Silly, I know...but I haven't healed from my mom calling me fat. Sure, you may say she meant it jokingly but if you knew our relationship you'd know there was an undertone of hon


A noun and a verb, with currently 13 definitions in Merriam-Webster. How can it mean so many different things to different people but still be universally understood? Sometimes being in love feels like happiness, other times it causes depression. No matter what the type of relationship is, if one's feeling depressed based on their feelings for another person, then it's time to reevaluate. Does this person love me? Is this person in love with me? How can we improve our relationship? Should we improve our relationship? .... I had to make a hard choice recently in terms of love. I love, still, a man who's been good to me. No, he's not perfect (but I'm not delusional, I'm not either), and there's many things I'd love to nitpick him about but in the grand scheme it would be silly to argue about the small stuff. Ultimately, religious views aren't small stuff to me and we had differing ones...very different. I ignored these for a long time, which may