Time heals all wounds...

Time heals all wounds.

Is that true?
Do we really just get over things?

I don't think so.

I'm a woman who loves to eat, always have. One day on a family road trip, my two brothers and I sat in the old suburban passing around a bag of chips and playing a game where we'd guess what make/model of car was approaching (whoever was right from the farthest distance won). The crumbs were all that was left in the bag of chips other than like 3-5 whole chips, as I recall. So I ate the rest. Meanwhile, my brother complained to my mom who said something along the lines of "if you eat all those chips you're going to be fat and happy"...and my brothers proceeded to then call me "fat and happy Rachel" a few more times. That was probably 15 years ago. I'm still hurt by it. Silly, I know...but I haven't healed from my mom calling me fat. Sure, you may say she meant it jokingly but if you knew our relationship you'd know there was an undertone of honesty in it. She's always been the one who's quick to remind me of my failures...needless to say we don't have a good relationship.

So in this time of heartbreak I'm going through because of losing my best friend/boyfriend, I can't help but think of all the other times my heart has hurt because of a boy.
I may not still be mad at some of the ones who hurt me, or maybe I hurt them, but they still caused scars on my heart and remind me of decisions I shouldn't have made or things as such.

So does time heal all wounds?
Is that just a catch phrase we say to help people who are hurting feel hope in times of despair?

I don't know.

I do know this though...there's one thing that restores my soul like nothing else, and that's listening to an honest soul praise the Lord. There's nothing quite like being in a room of people who's hearts yearn to love and be loved by God. When they sing, it's awesome - in the literal sense of the word, not the abused meaning we throw around today.

You see, my heart still hurts. From being called fat by my mom, being compared to other smarter people by my mom, being cheated on by my son's father, being broken up with because of my imperfections, losing my best friend a few weeks ago...and so on.
BUT, I've found my hope. My hope is in Jesus.

Cliche? You may think so...but if you could feel the massive weight that's lifted from my heart when I hear His praise and praise Him you'd understand why I feel hopeful. I may not heal all my wounds, but I can keep going with some battle scars.

So find your hope, whatever it may be. Guard your heart so maybe you don't have to endure so many wounds. Love yourself then give some love away.

Hold your head high, after all you're still here. Still fighting. You can do this 💚

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