
Hi! Welcome to forwardspero.

I'm an Emergency Room nurse, and daily I encounter patients who're are struggling with mental health. As a 90's kid, who's been through her own struggles, most of the time I can say that I understand what they're going through. The heart to hearts I have with these patients reinforces my desire to remind people they don't have to be perfect, and what's happening right now in their life doesn't have to be permanent. I believe mental health and wellness is vital, and want to encourage change so that it's not looked down upon when someone opens up about their struggles.

The word "forward" has several definitions, one of which is to "promote".
"Spero" means "hope" in Latin, one of the root languages for modern times.

That's my goal, to promote hope.

So forwardspero is a place where I'll speak to mental health, and all that it encompasses, and hopefully put a little sunshine into this dark world.

Please know that I welcome you with open arms to join me on a journey towards mental wellness.


@forwardspero on instagram/twitter, or email me: forwardspero@gmail.com, if you need to talk


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